Search Results
Mechwarrior Online - Duel (Jenner JR7-DS, 4xMPL)
Mechwarrior Online - Girl with a rifle (Jenner JR7-F, 6xERML)
Vip kIlled in 3 minutes - Dakka King Crab did strike again 9Jul2017
MechWarrior Online : HBK-IIC-B 'BodyKiller' (4xcSRM6, 2xcMPLas, cXL275)
Over 900 Damage with Just an AC/20 and SRMs
12-0 Vs TheB33f!!!
MWO Time Trial: 12-0 in Under 3 Mins
MWO: Deadly Direwolf-A (2x C-ER Large Pulse, 2x C-LRM15+ART, 1x C-UAC/20) 699 DMG
MWO A Ruined 12-0
MechWarrior Online - slinky pulser concept vs v1 clan pulser
Mechwarrior Online - Broken (Cyclops CP-10-Q, 5xSRM4+2xLRM15)
MechWarrior Online - Donnylinez filming in HD forest 1 kill